11/7 PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, I am Elizabeth, I am a Giant Panda and 22 years old. Today, I gave birth to the most gorgeous baby panda ever. We don’t know the gender yet but I hope it’s a boy!!!!! The vets were all so worried about my baby because it is their first in a while. Let me think, what day is it? Oh, it is August 21. They just took my baby and weighed the cute thing. My baby is 100 grams, I am so excited! Let me tell you, they were so nervous during my 8 weeks of pregnancy, but now they are so relieved that my baby is healthy. Dr. Mei Xiang said that he is feisty. I totally agree. Yesterday, they where measuring my feisty baby and he barked at them and turned over!

Today, they announced what hisĀ gender is by showing a painting that Mei Xiang’s dad painted. I knew it. HE’S A BOY!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, they think that they get to pick a name for him. In a couple of weeks, they will come up with a name. I already have a name because everyone need a name, obviously. I named him: MISTER CUDDLE PANTS!! Okay, so the name needs a little work.

I wonder why their ears close. Why do baby pandas have thick claws. Why are they so cute?!!!!

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